CNC Machining

HomeOur ServicesCNC Machining

Our CNC Machining department is outfitted with precision equipment including boring mills, gundrill, vertical CNC machines and high-speed CNC machines.  We also have an EDM area with multiple sinkers and a wire machine.

We have a designated Carbon room with a Roeder RXP500 3 Axis HCS Machine with Robot Loader to specifically cut carbon for our EDM department.

All tool path programming is completed in house using specialized software by our machine operators.  Five Star Tool & Die Ltd has the capacity to complete precision part cavity cutting within .001” tolerance.

The CNC machining department specializes in manufacturing holder blocks, inserts, ejector plates, ejector rails and many more components.  Our shop includes a quality control department with a 7-Axis Hexagon Absolute V2P Arm with reverse engineer scanning CMM. All part cavity and manufactured components are measured and inspected for dimensional integrity prior to reaching the assembly stage.  Our CNC machining department has the ability to manufacture all components required for cast and trim die builds.


For all of your Magnesium & Aluminum die cast needs.

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